Saturday, April 7, 2012

Starving for Skates

I have a weird work schedule where I will work like one or 2 saturdays a month when I do I get to have Friday off. I really love that. Its a day that I can vistit my friends who don't work-stay at home moms and students. Also, I can get stuff done like shopping when stores are much less busy than on the weekends. So I went to visit my friend yesterday(Friday). She lives about an hour away so we were going to spend the whole day together. I figured we were going out to lunch but I ate a good breakfast anyway. So I got to her place around 10:30 and she was going to Florida the next day so had some errends to run. We did that, it is always fun hanging out and talking no matter what we are doing, then went and saw Hunger Games-pretty good-book of course better but movie did what it could. Then, we went back to her place and changed to go to her gym(she can bring a guest for free so nice) and had to stop by the library on the way.
So my point is that I was starving by the time we got to the gym like at 3:30. We did 10min warm up on tredmill. 30 min of stations that go from weights then to cardio back and forth. Then I was going to do elliptical and she was going to do bike for 40 min. I got to 20 and was shaking I was so hungery I can usually go for an hour. So then we went to dinner. Moral of the story is that like grocery shopping you should never go to the gym hungry. Its hard when you are not at home to control everything. I should have spoke up to get something before we went or packed a healthy snack in my bag just in case. But each day is for learning and I will remember this in the future.
One of the errends that we did took us to her mall. While there I decided to make a big purchase that I have been excitedly planning for a while. I got a pair of Rollerblades yay! I also got a set of knee and elbow pads I know I will be falling:) I will be learning to rollerbalde in the coming weeks and hopfully we a blading machine come summer! I'm not super coordinated and a bit nervous that it will hurt my back recovery but I can't let those things stop me from enjoying my life. It looks like so much fun! I thought of bike riding but I have absolutly nowhere to store a bike I live on the second floor in an appartment and rollerbaldes can easily fit anywhere. So whish me luck in learning. From the learning to skate articles I have read, I plan to start on carpet then grass then sidewalk then pavement. What kinds of activities have you always wanted to try/learn/improve on?What do you think is holding you back from jumping in?

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