Monday, June 25, 2012

Riding around town

Well this coming week my parents are moving out of the house they have lived in since I was in first grade. They are not moving far so I will still be able to pop over all the time and "borrow" pretty much anything I need. But it probably will change things. So I have felt some pull to stop by more often as their moving day approaches.

So yesterday, Sunday, I had most of the day to myself. I cleaned a bit and did my PT moves and walked my doggie. And watched way to many episodes of Friends(love DVR). Anyway I went out to eat like late lunch with a friend and then went over to my parents house to go bike riding. They store the bike for me as I have an upstairs apartment. My dad went along with me and it was so nice. Well like 80% of it was. 20% of the time we were on the side of a narrow road and cars were wizzing by me! Well we were talking and somehow I mentioned how I feel like I missed out on all this stuff growing up.

We lived at the same house, roads if anything were less busy, my brothers rode their bikes everywhere. So why did I not. Looking back I can think of only a few reasons.
  • First I just was not a outdoors girl. I'm still not. I did not like the hot sun and I burn easy, hate bugs around me in the air, and just didn't find the out doors appealing.
I spend way more time outdoors now than when growing up, mostly walking my dog.
  • The second reason that I can think of is that I was very insecure with myself and always worried what others thaught of me. School was socially and emotionally hard for me. I did and still do have a fear of authority and getting in trouble. I always saw others as superior to me. I think that I probably stopped doing alot of physical things as I realized that I was big and that probably helped me get even bigger.

It sucks to think of how much time I have wasted. There is nothing that I can do about that now all I can do is realize how fast it goes and make each day count.
In the last year I have done so much that I did not even know I was missing out on.
  • I have learned to rollerblade,
  • I have ran on a tredmill,
  • I have taken a water arobics class
  • and tried Zumba!
I have taken control of my life. Sure maybe the girl standing beside me in the zumba class made fun of me in her head. Yeah I was 40 years younger than all the women in the water arobics class. And of course me rollerblading with my wrist pads, elbow pads, and knee pads looked super funny coming down the bike trail. But I would do it again in an instant.

This is my life and I am going to LIVE it. I don't know what that will mean tomarrow but I'll find out. I need to fix this back issue first it def is stopping my from doing all the things that I have dreamed up. In the mean time there is alot that I can do tho. I can ride my bike, and swim, and read inspirational bloggs. I can continue to drop this weight not only will it likely help my back but it will make doing the things I'm dreaming of easier.

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