Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Smoothie Adventures and PT

Well I have found that I love reading blogs and even commenting on them but writing my own posts well I know a little about alot but not really enough to blog about so I'll stick with what is going on currently and take it from there.
This week I decided to go ahead and try physical therapy. I'm not sure if it will help and it is super expensive but I have to do something. I dumped the chiropractor, really I was done with him when I went in to talk with him and he told me he thought I have been feeling better-obviously he wasn't hearing what I was saying and not asking enough questions to find out what was really going on. So PT! I had a consultation and was given some exercises to do. They told me that if it hurts don't do it(pretty much opposite of the chiropractor who told me to push thru the pain and suggested signing up for some 5Ks this summer-yeah right I can hardly walk my dog long enough for a poo and a pee). Went back for my first apt and felt that they really wanted to find out what was going on and they explained to me what we would be doing and why and kept asking and taking notes on what I was feeling. I go back again on Friday. I'm doing the stretches and stuff twice a day in the mean time. Also, I had just been using a heating pad but they said that ice might be good too so I did that last night it felt good in the moment. Too soon for improvement yet but they did say give it 3 weeks and if it is not 30% better-ish then it will be back to the doctor for a new path. Again, I like that they give themselves a goal time frame unlike the chiro that said well it can take time. Sorry to rant about the chiropractor I'm just ready to feel better and I am mad that I wasted months on the wrong path of treatment. He could have just said after a few weeks hey I've done all I can for you but no just kept stringing me along taking my money and time-Lame.
On to more fun things-I have been experimenting with smoothies! Most yummy is prob fresh berries with a little pom wonderful honey a banana and ice, Worst one-skim milk, banana, ice, PB, cocoa. I usually do not like to drink my calories but its summer and I felt the desire for a milkshake type thing even drink them with a fun bendy straw. Oh I have put kale in smoothies before and it you are going to drink them at home go for it but if you are taking it with you ( like to work) make sure you really blend that thing I had green pieces in my teeth at work that I was picking out for like an hour-sexy.
I have been doing real good with my new plan to not eat in the evenings. I just don't even let myself into the kitchen. It really has helped with the weight loss I think. So I'm really excited about where I am weight loss wise I am going to hit a mile stone soon 75lbs and I want to celebrate it in some way. I was thinking a spa day like a facial and massage would be great but I want to check with PT about the massage first. What have you done or plan to do when you hit a milestone? I got a new car when I reached to the 100s (but it was really like I needed a new car and the timing worked out). Still hate clothes shopping so a new outfit would be like a punishment. I would love to hear any ideas that you have. Hopefully 75 is very close.


  1. You're very new at blogging, and, as you go and have more comments from followers, you'll better understand what to write.

    Your post up there reminds me of my huge word blocks when I began my blog. Readability is very important-- if you really want people to read all the way down to the bottom. I use a lot of subtitles and paragraphs throughout my posts to break them up into segments.

    Also, every reader is at a different juncture in their lives, so if you ramble into related topics, those are frequently the topics that readers like.

    It's really impossible to know what readers will like, but if they personally like you, they will keep coming back. So tell personal stories and show your personality in your writing.--But you'll eventually figure all of this--and more--after a few months of blog writing. :D

    :-) Marion

    1. Thanks for your suggestions. I really want to document my life right now as I know I will want to remember how things were now. I def love the support you can find in the blogging world.
