Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A few steps forward

Well I did it I took my next step in growing up and claiming my life. I got a physical done. Yay? Well I got a new doctor that I think I will like much more than the old one. She spent a lot of time with me and really talked about what was going on with me and my life. She asked a lot of questions and took detailed notes when I answered them. It was good to do. She did a blood text for a lot of things and to my great relief she called back today to say that everything came back completely normal nothing even close to problem areas. I am so happy to know that. Diabetes runs in my fam and it is my biggest fear that because of my weight I have already ruined my life by getting it but I'm not even close to prediabetic sooo happy and I know that I am doing the right things to keep those numbers good! I did get a tetanus shot in my arm just to update it and tho it did not hurt at all yesterday It kills today. Feels like I got punched in the arm!
Yesterday after my physical even tho the scale was lower than it had been in years I did hate the feeling of being the big girl at the dr office. So I decided I would kick start my working out again. When I started losing weight in Aug I worked out everyday. In November i hurt my back and took a week off. I found that I still lost weight so that is when I changed my workouts from daily to 3-4 days a week. As my back has gotten worse I have used it as an excuse to workout less or take it easier when I did workout more than a few times a week. No more excuses. I am doing JM's 30 day shred and I like it. I am only on day 2-already completed for the day and feeling sore but accomplished. It is only like 25 min so it takes no time at all but it is a real workout for that time. I can squeeze this into my morning and do it before work everyday and still have time in the evenings for other workouts, classes, rollerblading whatever. I love that it goes by so fast and when I am done I am hot and sweaty.
This week I have also tried to change up my eating a bit. I read somewhere(prob Pinterest) to eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a ----(I don't remember something middle class), and dinner like a a pauper. As I live alone it does not change any one's routine but mine so that is great. I am having a lot in the morning-coffee, omelet with veggies and small amount of cheese, greek yogurt, apple. Lunch more modest this week chicken breast shredded with 2 tbsp BBQ sauce in 3 pieces of 35 cal/slice bread, with watermelon on the side. Dinner oatmeal or cream of wheat with skim milk and berries. WW strawberry smoothie pops for after dinner snack. I just realized how lacking veggies this plan is next week I will remedy that. I can add veggies to my lunch sandwich. Got any ideas? I'd like to stay away from salads for a bit I am sick of them for lunch every day.
Lastly I have decided that I will go back to weighing in everyday and only recording it once a week. I am just so curious thru the week I always end up sneaking anyway. Today I was at 181 exactly so 41 to go!

1 comment:

  1. My grandmother used to say...Breakfast like a King, Lunch like a Queen and Dinner like a Pauper. I am sure there are other versions...I had forgotten all about it until I read your post.
