Monday, December 17, 2012

Heading into the holidays

Hi guys still here. Well its been so long since I wrote but I am still going strong.
I had a wonderful time on vacation and tho I ate too much I was at the same weight when I came back as I was when I left so it must have evened out somewhere. I am currently down to 165 I had dropped as low as 163 so I'm up a bit but I will be back there soon.

I am somehow stuck still at size 12 my goal is to be an 8 I will get there but I wish I wasn't wasting so much money on clothes at the wrong size-with the holidays and just life I have had to get a bunch of new stuff that I actually really like. Did you know that when you lose weight your feet will get smaller? Well I sure did not! All the high heals I had been waiting until I was smaller to wear as my feet would have less pressure are actually falling off when I step. I know what a terrible problem but I can't stand spending more money on clothes. So I will make due with what I have. Maybe santa will get me some gift cards.

I know alot of bloggers have talked about a similar issue before but I just have to put out there how uncompfortable I still am when people notice my weightloss. If it is in private its not so bad. I ran into my old boss last week and I had lost 80lbs since seeing him and so he of course noticed and asked me in the most polite way he could what I had been doing. It was weird but just fine. What really bothers me is when people say it around people that I have met recently or only half way through my process. UGH I just wish that they would not have to find out that I used to be so big. I guess it is just something I will have to deal with. I will not take down all the pics of me from before on facebook otherwise there would be no pics of me so there is a record for anyony with the internet I guess. I hope it will get less emberassing the smaller I get.

Holidays are so soon and I am ready.
 Game plan that works for me
  1. Enjoy the meal not the season.
  2. Never bring leftovers home
  3. Bring a dish that is on the healthy side so you can fill up on that
  4. Snack on the way so you are not starving
  5. Resume real life eating as soon as possible

Lulu Ready for the holidays

I still have my dad to buy for, one gift card to mail out, and waiting for a package from QVC for my mom-they gaurentee delivery before Christmas and man that In the Kitchen with David guy is the best salesman in the world.

Lulu in all my old clothes for donation

Hope your hoildays are shaping up nicely what I'm looking forward to the most is having my brother in town and some nice time off to hang out with the fam and snuggle my doggie.


  1. What an adorable doggy! My dog Keebler tried to lay down on my teen daughter's chemistry project today and got in a little trouble. :D

    My very skinny feet got a little skinnier. Yes, I'm having trouble with certain shoes, which now need very thick socks. I'm sure God laughed for doing that little joke, when I have plenty of pudge left in the middle that could have been lost instead.

    :-) Marion

    1. Aww poor Keebler prob not the best place to lay down. Thick socks good idea!

  2. Sounds like you are doing great! I know exactly what you mean about feeling a bit uncomfortable when people notice your weight loss - it is flattering and uncomfortable at the same time.
